Business Drivers That Influence Information Systems Development

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Presentation on theme: 'Chapter 1: The Context of SA&D Methods'— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: The Context of SA&D Methods
Objectives:Define information system and name seven types of information system applications.Identify different types of stakeholders who use or develop information systems, and give examples of each.Define the unique role of systems analysts in the development of information systems.Identify those skills needed to successfully function as an information system analyst.Describe current business drivers that influence information systems development.Describe current technology drivers that influence information systems development.Briefly describe a simple process for developing information systems.No additional notes

2 A Framework for Systems Analysis and Design
A system is a group of interrelated components that function together to achieve a desired result.An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to support an organization.Information technology is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) with telecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks).Conversion NotesThe definition of system is new to this edition, and was added to reinforce systems thinking.This is a more concise definition of “information system” than in previous editions. It better reflects what information systems are and do rather than how they are used.Some books use the term “computer technology.” We prefer the more contemporary term “information technology” as a superset of computer technology.
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3 Types of Information Systems
Transaction processing systems (TPS)Management information systems (MIS)Decision support systems (DSS)Expert systems (ES)Communications systemsCollaboration systemsOffice automation systemsTeaching NotesThese definitions can be useful to help students understand what an information system is in all its varieties and flavors. Depending on the prerequisites of your course, you may want to cover these in more or less detail.

4 Stakeholders: Players in the Systems Game
A stakeholder is any person who has an interest in an existing or proposed information system. Stakeholders can be technical or nontechnical workers. They may also include both internal and external workers.Information workers are those workers whose jobs involve the creation, collection, processing, distribution, and use of information.Knowledge workers are a subset of information workers whose responsibilities are based on a specialized body of knowledge.Teaching NotesGive examples of information workers and knowledge workers to reinforce the difference.Footnote – Information workers (sometimes called “white-collar workers”) have outnumbered blue-collar workers since 1957.Typically a knowledge worker has a degree or credential in some subject area (hence, they are often called “subject area experts”). Examples include engineers, scientists, accountants, lawyers, etc.Briefly describe a typical information system that students would be familiar with, such as an enrollment system for the college. Invite the class to brainstorm who the stakeholders would be and which of them would be information workers or knowledge workers.

5 Stakeholders System users Project manager Systems analyst
System ownersSystem usersProject managerSystems analystSystem designerSystem buildersExternal Service Provider (ESP)Teaching NotesUsing the information system described earlier (enrollment system or other) for the college, invite the class to identify individuals who might play the system owner role.

Installer user interface mode not supported rtmt. 6 Systems AnalystsSystems analyst – a specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvements for the business.A programmer/analyst (or analyst/programmer) includes the responsibilities of both the computer programmer and the systems analyst.A business analyst focuses on only the non-technical aspects of systems analysis and design.Teaching NotesBusiness analyst is becoming more popular because of the number of end-users and other knowledge workers being assigned to systems analysts roles in organizations.

7 The Systems Analyst as a Problem-Solver
By 'Problems' that need solving, we mean:Problems, either real or anticipated, that require corrective actionOpportunities to improve a situation despite the absence of complaintsDirectives to change a situation regardless of whether anyone has complained about the current situationTeaching NotesIt can be useful to present examples of each scenario from the instructor’s personal experiences.The classification scheme is not mutually exclusive; that is,a project can be driven by multiple instances and combinations of problems, opportunities, and directives.a problem might be classified as both a true problem an opportunity, or an opportunity plus directive.

8 Where Do Systems Analysts Work?
Teaching NotesNote that every organization structures itself uniquelySystems Analysts also work for:Outsourcing businessesConsulting businessesCommercial software developers

9 Skills Needed by the Systems Analyst
Working knowledge of information technologyComputer programming experience and expertiseGeneral business knowledgeGeneral problem-solving skillsGood interpersonal communication skillsGood interpersonal relations skillsFlexibility and adaptabilityCharacter and ethicsTeaching NotesOne way to underscore the need for these skills by bringing in job ads for analysts and programmers from a local newspaper. In almost all cases they will request non-technical skills as much or more as they request technical skills.

10 The Systems Analyst as a Facilitator
Teaching NotesIn this diagram the systems analyst is literally the person in the middle - the person who must be able to communicate with everyone else in everyone's language.

11 The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work.3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people’s computer files.4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.7. Thou shalt not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that insure consideration and respect for your fellow humanTeaching NotesSee the suggested readings for a book of ethics scenarios that could be introduced, tested, and analyzed as part of a lecture on computer ethics.We have always considered it important to emphasize that a person’s ethical integrity is “earned.” More significantly, if that ethical integrity is in any way compromised, it is difficult to repair the image.Source: Computer Ethics Institute

12 Business Drivers for Today’s Information Systems
Globalization of the EconomyElectronic Commerce and BusinessSecurity and PrivacyCollaboration and PartnershipKnowledge Asset ManagementContinuous Improvement and Total Quality ManagementBusiness Process RedesignTeaching NotesSee the following slides for detailed explanations.

13 Technology Drivers for Today’s Information Systems
Networks and the InternetMobile and Wireless TechnologiesObject TechnologiesCollaborative TechnologiesEnterprise ApplicationsTeaching NotesStudents often perk up when the discussion turns to new, sexy technologies. Use that interest to get students thinking about the information system ramifications of these technologies.

14 Enterprise Applications
Teaching NotesThe trend is for these core enterprise applications to be purchased.These purchased applications are never sufficient to meet all the information needs of the organization. Thus systems analysts and other developers are asked to develop value-added applications to meet additional needs.

15 Enterprise Application Integration
No additional notes.

16 System Development Process
System development process – a set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables, and automated tools that stakeholders use to develop and maintain information systems and software.Teaching NotesThis is not an actual system development life cycle or methodology but simply general problem-solving steps.

17 A Simple System Development Process
Our Simplified System Development ProcessGeneral Problem-Solving StepsSystem initiationIdentify the problem.System analysisAnalyze and understand the problem.Identify solution requirements or expectations.System designIdentify alternative solutions and choose the “best” course of action.Design the chosen solution.System constructionConstruct the designed systemSystem implementation7. Implement the chosen solution.8. Evaluate the results. If the problem is not solved, return to step 1 or 2 as appropriate.Teaching NotesThis relates the problem-solving steps to the classic SDLC phases. Neither of these, though, are a methodology (as will be discussed in chapter 3).

18 System Development Process Overview
System initiation – the initial planning for a project to define initial business scope, goals, schedule, and budget.System analysis – the study of a business problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements and priorities for the solution.System design – the specification of a technical, computer-based solution for the business requirements identified in a system analysis.System construction – the construction of the system.System implementation – the installation, testing, and delivery of a system into production.Teaching NotesThis is essentially the traditional System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) without the system support phase. We elected not to use that term because it invokes negative connotation for many instructors. Some associate it with a pure waterfall development approach (which we consider unfair). We differentiate between development and operation (sometimes called production).System support is presented in the 7th edition as a separate project – a maintenance or enhancement project that should follow the exact same problem-solving approach, though on a more limited scale.

19 Project and Process Management
Project management – the activity of defining, planning, directing, monitoring, and controlling a project to develop an acceptable system within the allotted time and budget.Process management – the ongoing activity that defines, improves, and coordinates the use of an organization’s chosen methodology(ies) (the “process”) and standards for all system development projects.No additional notes